
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Rumblin: A Short Story

Goodreads Summary:
Phil Knite is so ready for a vacation, but he and his family get more of mother nature than they can handle. The rumblin', as described by the camp ranger, is something to be feared. When a wicked wind blows in from the north, Phil Knite and his family are forced to shack up with the rest of the campers in a cabin, and discover that the ranger is more than crazy and the rumblin' is deadly!

This book is based upon actual events and is written in the Twighlight Zone/Stephen King Style.

My Review:
So I must say I was initially thrown off a bit by the writing (I think a tad more editing is in order), and the slang felt wrong...that being said the story itself was really good. And I am a hard grader! Halfway through I realized I was in the room with all of those crazy people. The story really does take on a life of its own and pulls the reader in. All in all it was a good story and I'd rather have a solid story, which this was.

This is a short story about a family that goes camping and finds themselves in the midst of a natural as well as supernatural disaster, which causes all of the nearby campers, both good and bad, to crowd into one room. The action that unfolds is both disturbing and unexpectected!
3/5 stars